Informe Description
  • 0
  • 1 July, 2020


The rains in the months of July, August, September and October are within normal parameters. Although there was some water stress in August, it did not have significant negative effects on the production of Rye Grass, which has been developing without problems.

Regarding temperatures, no extreme anomalies (frost or heat wave) that affected production were recorded.



Grass Production

Through satellite images (NDVI) the growth rate of grass can be determined. The greener it is, the higher the growth rate. The different tones are due to the 4 plots into which the lot is divided. The animals rotate, they spend 1 week in each plot. In this way, efficient management of the resource is achieved. The plot that is stopped from grazing has 21 days to resprout and accumulate grass.

The rotation circuit is plot no. 1, 2, 3, 4

In the image on the right corresponding to September 5, it is observed that the animals are grazing plot No. 4. They are going to move on to plot No. 1 where grass has already accumulated due to rest (intense green).

Comparing plots No. 3 and No. 2, it is clearly seen that the last grazed plot was No. 3 since it has a fainter tone of green. It is also noted that plot number 2 already has 15 days of rest (green a little stronger).

Animal health

Upon entering the greening, the calves received treatment against internal and external parasites (tick). The products used were: Oral Vetanzol, Tranidex.

They were also given the Viral Feed Lot vaccine to prevent respiratory and eye diseases.

In October, a new treatment was carried out to control ticks and vaccination against Foot and Mouth Disease was carried out.

As of the date of the report, no deaths or sick animals were recorded.


  • The price for the veal category of the ROSGAN reference market for October 11 was $976/kg live. It represents a 63% increase compared to the purchase price ($600/kg live). Prices without VAT and commercial expenses.
  • The productive aspect has been developing within the budgeted parameters, mainly the production of grass and the gain in kilos of calves.
  • From the market point of view, there is (and is still expected) a lot of price volatility, typical of the election year.
  • Given the inflationary spiral, it is still an interesting strategy to stick to products, in this case kilos of meat.

Mercedes Department, Corrientes